Electric valve control element in the application of fluid piping systems , is very broad , and its use is also very much on the control flow, pressure, reflux , etc., have very good results. Since the electric valve their quality , the safety of the pipeline , has a great influence , so the choice of electric valve , be sure to follow certain procedures and basis for selection .
What choice is based on electric ball ? A clear aperture own pipeline company , aware of the need to choose what kind of caliber of electric valve and connections . 2 , according to the needs of the pipeline , the first to identify some common parameters of electric valve , such as discharge capacity , can allow the flow resistance , the seat hole diameter size , etc. These parameters if no election right, the effect of electric valve controls the flow of will be greatly reduced . 3, according to the operating temperature of the pipeline , choosing the right material, of course , work pressure pipeline , but also to be taken into account .
Also, a reminder, do not rush to pick products, we must first understand the now popular electric valve products which , and how performance, and understand the best way is to contact a number of electric valve manufacturing enterprises , so that they provide products catalog , style , etc., shop around , you can select the most cost-effective products.